
Equipment Status
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To build top products with top technology and equipment.

       Top-grade technology and equipment must be available for building top-grade products. In recent years,Sammyung Precision has imported a myriad of sets of advanced equipment abroad, including testing devices,automatic nickel plating equipment,welding fixtures,and cleaning facilities,etc. Through intorduction of excellent production technology and advanced equipment and over years of efforts, the company has now taken an extremely high level in terms of specialized production of original parts sealed with metal glass and is enjoying a good prestige inside the industrial sector.

沙田区| 麟游县| 桂阳县| 碌曲县| 永寿县| 习水县| 民县| 惠东县| 奉新县| 额尔古纳市| 鸡泽县| 阳信县| 河曲县| 五家渠市| 增城市| 大港区| 德格县| 图们市| 建宁县| 攀枝花市| 鹿泉市| 广宗县| 曲沃县| 健康| 建湖县| 广德县| 东阿县| 阿鲁科尔沁旗| 乐亭县| 左云县| 新龙县| 兰考县| 义乌市| 河间市| 鄄城县| 岢岚县| 仙桃市| 会宁县| 长治县| 镶黄旗| 壶关县|